Pulpit Area
First Baptist Church of Far Rockaway NY

Sunday School Department


Sunday: October 9th, 2022

" Stephen's Arrest and Speech "

Blble Background - ( ACTS 6: 8 - 7: 53 )

Printed Text - ( ACTS 6: 8 ) thru ( ACTS 7: 2a )

Devotional Reading - ( PROVERBS 8: 1-11 )

' AIM for CHANGE '

By the end of the lesson, we will:

DISCUSS the stand that Stephen took as a response to his faith;

FEEL motivated to confront principalities and powers of our day; and

SEEK the power and wisdom of the Spirit in our efforts to speak truth.

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©**"Precepts for Living 2022-2023": UMI (Urban Ministries. Inc.)